The main strong points of the new moulded-case circuit breakers are: - just a few but essential versions of the circuit-breakers, easy to select and order - availability of circuit-breakers of all polarities, dedicated to the various applications - the possibility of using the accessories most often requested - circuit-breaker depths further reduced - a new installation system making assembly of the circuit-breakers easier - suitable for use at 50°C without derating. The new SACE FORMULA family consists of three new A1, A2 and A3 frames which reach up to 125A, 250A and 630A respectively. The three frames are available in the fixed version, with front terminals. The protection trip unit has fixed thermal and magnetic threshold values for putting the circuit-breaker into service more rapidly. This way selection becomes simple and precise. With a few sales codes which simplify selection and make ordering easier. Installation is simplified, and thanks to easy and rapid fixing operations and set-up, the circuit-breaker is ready for use immediately.