Safe Plus

Medium voltage (MV) compact SF6-insulated switchgear for secondary distribution up to 40.5 kV, 630A

SafePlus is a metal-enclosed compact switchgear system for distribution applications up to 40.5 kV. The switchgear has unique flexibility due to its extendibility and the possible combination of fully modular and semi-modular configurations. SafePlus is from the same product family as SafeRing and has an identical user interface.
SafePlus is a completely sealed system with a stainless steel tank containing all live parts and switching functions. A sealed steel tank with constant atmospheric conditions ensures a high level of reliability as well as personnel safety and a virtually maintenance-free system.
  • Key features
    - Minimal maintenance
    - No live parts exposed
    - One full range up to 40.5 kV
    - Module width: 325mm for 12-24kV, 420mm 36kV
    - Optional arc suppressor: No gases are released even in arc fault cases
    - Optional fully modular switchgear


  • Key benefits
    - Completely sealed system
    - Safe and reliable operation
    - Smart grid enabled
    - High flexibility, selection of compact, semi-modular, or fully modular switchgear
    - Compact design with a small footprint and low physical weigh